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Little Green Growers
Aug 18, 2021
In Polytunnels/Greenhouses
I have a query that you might help me with please. My son is currently building a polycarbonate greenhouse for me. He has built the frame and has put in some windows. We are worried that we might not select the correct polycarbonate for the greenhouse. Is 4mm, twin wall good in Ireland or should we go for 10mm twin hall? Any advice would be REALLY APPRECIATED. There are varying views on the internet! With many thanks to you for your time, it is appreciated. Mary
Little Green Growers
Jul 21, 2021
In How to Grow Potatoes
I am just wondering when is the best time to harvest maincrop potatoes planted in April? Is there a certain amount of weeks needed? Or is it something related to the flowers on the stalks? Some of them have had flowers in the last week or so. Also, instead of harvesting them altogther, is there a certain amount of time that you can leave them in the ground after starting harvest or should they be dug up altogther? Thanks, John........ a first timer..
Little Green Growers
Jul 02, 2021
In Starting A Vegetable Garden
I planted my beetroot plugs from you guys on the 7th may, they’re flying up - when do you think they might be ready? :) I’m afraid to look too soon 🤣
Little Green Growers
Jun 25, 2021
In How to Grow Onions & Garlic
About a week ago, my onion sets, planted in October started forming scapes/bolted? I nipped off the scapes. Today I pulled an onion and it appears it hasn't formed a bulb. Why so? Fiona
Little Green Growers
Jun 01, 2021
In Starting A Vegetable Garden
I got one of your fab packs for my bday and plants are growing really well 😉 the thing is, I am not necessarily sure which one is which, ha! I have attached the pict here, could you please help me here? 2 with yellow flowers, one with white, the fourth one with no flowers? One smells / tastes like rocket, bit its massive! When you have a mo, could you please help me + any tips?
Which plants are these & any tips? content media
Little Green Growers
May 27, 2021
In How to Grow from Seed
From the Mailbag: My Jerusalem artichokes haven't shown up yet. Is it because of the cold weather?
Little Green Growers
May 21, 2021
In Starting A Vegetable Garden
I am growing turnips and planted them in late April. They look like they are starting to flower and I fear this is too soon. Have they bolted? Is it too late to prevent this? Will cutting off the flowering tips help or should I just let them go to seed at this stage? I am based in Dublin and we had that cold snap at the beginning of May and recently had a few warm sunny days (before the current deluge of rain). The turnips are planted in a relatively shady part of my garden where they might get a few hours of sun in mid-morning and then another few when the sun comes around again in the evening. Orla
Flowering Turnips - help! content media
Little Green Growers
Feb 23, 2021
In Starting A Vegetable Garden
hi there, im totally new to gardening and want to try growing some veg this year as ive moved house and have a huge garden, what would you recommend for starters, im using no dig chemical free method- i assume i should order organic compost and im intereseted in starting small- what seeds would you recommend for planting now? i have a really small glass house so could you tell me which seeds start off in there and for about how long do i leave them there before moving to garden, also do i need netting to cover soil when i plant on a bed? sorry for all the questions! thanks a mill.
Little Green Growers
Feb 10, 2021
In How to Grow Potatoes
Somebody asked me about spraying potatoes for potato blight recently, and I didn’t know of a safe way to do this. I thought of you! Would you mind asking your hubby if he can advise the best way to spray/treat potatoes for potato blight without harmful chemicals. Not to worry if you don’t have the solution, it’s a tricky one it seems. Take care and best wishes, Catherine
Little Green Growers
Feb 10, 2021
In How to Grow Potatoes
From the Mailbag: We'll be planting potatoes again this year, other years we planted Foxton but this time we're thinking of Setanta, but we're worried that our soil is depleted from overuse, we try to rotate the potatoes and peas/beans etc but not sure what to add in order to help the potato crop along, we have tried seaweed but fear we got more weeds as a result.  any suggestion/help would be appreciated. Regards Padraic & Bridie

Est.  2018 

Little Green Growers Ltd.

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