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How to Grow Mizuna

3 Easy Steps to Success!

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Sow: Febuary-September

Plant: March-October

Harvest: April-December


A lovely warming peppery flavour, which is a great addition to winter salads, and a good winter substitute for rocket. Can harvest red/purple or green baby leaves within a month of sowing, and when established the plant can manage temperatures as low as -10C.


Can be sown in an open sunny position in fertile well-draining soil. In summer choose a shady site to reduce risk of bolting.  

For continuous supply, sow monthly.  If you plan on harvesting the whole plan, grow one per square foot or 30cm apart. If you want to use as ‘cut and come again’ crop to harvest young leaves, space plants 10cm apart.  



Mulch if possible to keep moist and weed free. Keep an eye out for pests, weeds & disease & use natural methods to treat or prevent.

To keep the plant going longer, protect with fleece and mulch if harsh winter conditions arrive.



Mizuna can be grown as a cut-and-come-again crop. Young tender leaves can be harvested for salads, or left to mature for stems.  Add to salads, juice or stir-fry your harvest! Leaves have a characteristic peppery, cabbage flavour, and are used raw in salads or cooked for stir-fries. The young flowering stems can be cooked like broccoli.

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